Emily West... She has just recently released a new EP on itunes called
I hate You, I Love You, and it is simply STUNNING. There are not enough words I can say about such an amazing artist. When I listen to Emily's lyrics I feel like I am reading her diary. She is honest. She hides nothing. She is captivating. Even though she has been one of my best friends for over a decade I am always drawn into her songs and mesmerized by her voice and her ability to say what she feels in such a vulnerable way. When Emily asked me to photograph her for her EP cover I was honored. I was also excited because I knew that when shooting Emily nothing is off limits. She will try anything to get the shot. I also knew that it would be beautiful because the girl can't take a bad photo. And like her songs, her photos are honest and her expressions are vulnerable. She lets you into her soul through the lens. I hope you all buy Emily's EP as soon as you can. Everyone deserves to hear this kind of music. It's the soundtrack to life.
And if her music isn't enough, Emily is making her acting debut on ABC's Body of Proof Tuesday January 10, 2012! I am sure that acting is just one more thing she will stumble into fearlessly and conqure beautifully.
we asked Emily to write 25 interesting things about herself. Get to know her a little better!
1. I am a singer/songwriter. Now I want to also become an actress.
2. As much as I try, I can't ever get away from looking like I come from the 1950's.
3. Over time, I've noticed that my handwriting has become morbidly horrible.
4. Mathematics and I broke up a long time ago. In fact, I hate him.
5. I wish that guys would wear more suits.
6. Heels and I have not been on speaking terms basically because our relationship is much too hurtful.
7. I love watching Netflix while I'm in the bathtub
8. I googled myself today
9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE vinyl records and how they crackle.
10. I AM Barbra Streisand on Funny Girl.
11. I get more things accomplished throughout the day when I'm in flats, wearing no make-up.
12. I love gummy candy.
13. I have decided I am going to learn one of Lady Gaga's dance routines...in private.
14. My favorite smell is my dog's feet while she's napping (they smell like popcorn) and my Piloma Picasso perfume.
15. I listen to music way to loud
16. I wish Rock Hudson were still alive, young, he liked women instead of men, and that he would call me.
17. Rude people must take more naps.
18. I sing to karaoke tracks i download from itunes and I perform them in my car, because that's what I do.
19. I finally have a record out on itunes and I'm currently working on the next one.
20. I love to belly laugh more than anything in the world.
21. My family is... simply the best
22. My girlfriend's make me wanna be a better girl.
23. I believe that all girl's have their go-to 'January jeans'
24. I always wear sunblock
52. I am dyslexic.
Emily West: I Hate You, I Love You Photos by:
Kate Underwood